What did I miss?

Hello, I created my own company to work as contractor for an IT company and receive the service payout to my company. My company founded on 1st,Nov, 2024 and has no employee now( I work for myself). I receive a warning from skatteverket last week saying I missed to send moms/arbetsgivardeklaration. Since I am not hiring anyone, I guess I have nothing to report to arbetsgivardeklaration, but what kind of moms shall I report? I got the payment from the IT comany I work for one time per month, is that the infomation I shall submit to skatteverket?
What kind of company do you have? Aktiebolag or Enskild firma?

I think it's called sole vendor or LTD limited liability company
It is an Aktiebolag(AB) 
If you are registrated as arbetsgivare as AB you need to make arbetsgivaredeklaration every month that you have a salary. If you have no salary one month you need to declare "0".
Give me a call if you need som help with that 0704333343 or mail me at hej@corefic.se

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