enskild firma skatt


Jag ska fortsätta på engelska eftersom min svenska är inte så bra 🙂.

I am planning on moving my enskild firma to Sweden but was wondering how I can exactly calculate how much taxes/social avgift etc I have to pay.

I know that I will have exactly 540.000kr income per year (excl. moms). To calculate how much I will have netto after all taxes etc(assuming I have 0 costs), should I just calculate it as this:

540.000kr * (1-0.2897) = 383.562kr (after social avgift)
Which is 383.562/12 = 31963.5kr per month bruto.
Then just fill in that amount on this website (let's take kalmar as an example): https://statsskuld.se/jobb/berakna-nettolon
netto lön = 24.314kr.

Is it that simple or am I missing something? In my home country the calculation would be way more complicated and there are standard deductions I could make without really making them etc... are there similar things in Sweden or is it as simple as my calculation above?

Tack på förhand 🙂
Hej, It's more complicated also in Sweden. A result of 540.000 kr for a person living in Kalmar will end up in: Kommunal inkomstskatt..................145.084 Begravningsavgift..................................1.077 Egenavgifter.........................................95.117 Public service avgift..............................1.397 Jobbskatteavdrag..............................-32.315 Total taxes and fees........................210.360 Netto.................................................329.640
Tack för svaret. Could you explain how you got to those numbers? Would like to understand where they come from :)
It would take to much time for me to explain the numbers. It's quite complicated. The easy answer is that I have an application named eFRedo where I did register a not retired person living in Kalmar kommun with a result of 540.000 for year 2020 in enskild firma. Then the numbers are calculated.

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