Agentavtal eller handelsagenturavtal heter på engelska sales agency agreement. Eftersom mallen är på engelska fortsätter vi med engelska.
An agent or agency agreement is a legal contract where the first party ("the principal") agrees that a second party ("the agent") have the right to sell and market some services and products on a market. The owner of the agency is called an agent.
This sales agency agreement template greatly facilitates the work of developing an agent/agency agreement with the person who owns the rights to the product.
This template is translated from our swedish version that you can find here.
Content/clauses of sales agency agreement template:
- Purpose
- Agreement Period
- Exclusivity
- Sales Efforts
- Principal and Trade Agents Duties and Obligations
- Commission
- Relationship with Third Parties
- Marketing
- Prices and Agreements
- Early Termination
- And more
All in all 22 clauses.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that this template is merely a tool for helping you create an agreement. If you have particular concerns that you wish to have addressed, please contact a lawyer directly so that your specific circumstances can be evaluated.
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Spara tid och köp vår mall framtagen av specialiserad jurist med lång erfarenhet.
Högsta kvalitet. Enkel att fylla i. Säkert köp med kort, faktura eller swish. Leverans direkt. Nöjd-kund-garanti = pengarna tillbaka om du inte är nöjd.
"Ni håller helt klart vad ni lovar, mallarna är bra!" Advokat Kristofer Hansson på Advokatbyrån Adekvat.
Har du en fråga? Kontakta Patrik Nilsson på 0738-21 10 50 eller skicka ett mejl till
More templates in English: Resellers agreement template, Shareholders agreement template and assignment agreement template.