Detta är en mall för Aktieägaravtal på engelska.

A shareholder’s agreement also includes information about the management, how to finance the startup and further expansion but also stipulates what will happen in case of dispute, illness and other circumstances.

Shareholders agreements vary between countries and different commercial fields but is normally expected in joint ventures or business startup to make sure that shareholders are treated fairly and that their rights are protected.

This template in Swedish you can find here: Aktieägaravtal.

Content/clauses of this Shareholder agreements template:

  • The Company (Board of Directors, CEO, etc.)
  • Distribution of the Company's shares
  • Parties assignment in the company
  • Financing
  • Competitive operations
  • Confidentiality
  • Pre-emptive rights to shares upon withdrawal of parts
  • Partial breach of contract
  • Agree to certain decisions
  • Allocation of profits and wages
  • Drag-along/Tag-along in the sale of shares
  • Insolvency
  • In case of Party's Illness/death
  • Applicable law and dispute
  • Agreement term and termination
  • And more.

You can easily add more or remove the ones you don't need.

Beställ och ladda ner mall direkt

Spara tid och köp vår mall framtagen av specialiserad jurist med lång erfarenhet.

  • Högsta kvalitet.
  • Enkel att fylla i.
  • Säkert köp med kort, faktura eller swish.
  • Leverans direkt.
  • Nöjd-kund-garanti = pengarna tillbaka om du inte är nöjd.

"Ni håller helt klart vad ni lovar, mallarna är bra!" Advokat Kristofer Hansson på Advokatbyrån Adekvat.

Har du en fråga? Kontakta Patrik Nilsson på 0738-21 10 50 eller skicka ett mejl till

Disclaimer: Please be advised that this template is merely a tool for helping you create an agreement. If you have concerns that you wish to have addressed, please contact a lawyer directly so that your specific circumstances can be evaluated.

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