Searching book-keeper

Hi everyone,

I would appreciate some suggestion for a book-keeper. I have a small, but quickly growing business I have started a year ago.

I needed desperately a book-keeper and financial advisor. And I needed one right in the summer when it is not common to work or even expect answers for inquiries in Sweden. After searching in my area, I found one and pretty cheap one. Unfortunately, book-keeper's competence is just outrageous. I have financial education, so I know how to read numbers. My book-keeper was making one mistake after other and charged me more and more for correcting own mistakes. Pretty funny. I don't think that person is bad, but I don't understand how one could function within the business like this.

Let's get to the core of my comment. I search an independent book-keeper who can speak English and sufficiently English, is knowledgeable, precise and experienced with e-commerce platforms, preferably capable to work with .csv files and can work remotely. I am not searching the cheapest one. I search the one who knows the job and I do not have to constantly control sheets for mistakes. I really expect the quality.

I really need to focus on my business and do not have spare time.

Could you give me recommendations?

Thank you for a help.

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